Therapeutic Laser

The MLS class IV therapeutic laser offers a versatile treatment modality for a variety of inflammatory and painful conditions and to accelerate wound healing. It is stronger than Class III or other less powerful laser technology available to paraprofessionals such as physiotherapists.

Therapeutic laser reduces COX-2 inflammatory mediators (reduction in excess inflammatory damage), stimulates cell metabolism (accelerates healing processes) and improves tissue perfusion (blood supply).

We have used therapeutic laser successfully in the types of cases listed below:

  • Tendinitis/desmitis - rapid reduction in swelling and up to 50% improved healing time
  • Joint injury/osteoarthritis – pain relief with reduction in inflammation, swelling and lameness
  • Back Pain – impressive reduction in pain which helps horses tolerate or return to work, in turn building back muscles and improving core strength and stability.
  • Haematoma/oedema – rapid reduction in swelling allowing rapid progression through a rehab. program and returning horses to increased level of activity or turnout sooner
  • Muscle contracture or spasm e.g., neck pain and range of motion restriction – relaxation, pain relief and rapid return to normal function
  • Wounds – accelerates healing and improved cosmetic outcome. Reduces duration of box rest / bandaging required.