
We have fantastic facilities at Endell Equine Hospital to accommodate full lameness and poor performance investigation, usually involving either Hani Milstein, an experienced lameness vet who holds a Certificate in Equine Surgery (Orthopaedics) or Andrew Jones, our Diplomate Surgeon.

We have many options when it comes to diagnostic imaging - radiography (x-rays), ultrasonography, MRI, nuclear scintigraphy (bone scan) and endoscopy including gastroscopy. Charlotte Thomas is an experienced stud vet and certificate holder in internal medicine and stud medicine. She fronts our breeding service which includes both chilled and frozen semen AI.

We offer a full range of soft tissue and orthopaedic surgeries at Endell Equine Hospital. We are equipped with dedicated induction and recovery rooms as well as a large purpose built theatre. Our full-time Diplomate Surgeon is Andrew Jones, who is an American and RCVS Specialist in Equine Surgery. We also have other visiting specialists and experienced equine surgeons associated with Endell Equine Hospital who regularly operate in our theatre suite.

If you have a question about a particular surgery, please call us to discuss in more detail.


Our facilities include:

  • Hospitalisation for numerous horses including under critical care and isolation

  • A fully equipped operating theatre which includes a complete range of orthopaedic and arthroscopy equipment, soft tissue and laparoscopic equipment, and emergency operating equipment.

  • Specialist anaesthetic monitoring equipment and directly observed rope assisted recovery

  • Digital nuclear scintigraphy (bone scan), digital radiography, digital ultrasonography, videoendoscopy and videogastroscopy equipment.

  • On-site laboratory facilities for bacteriology, parasitology, haematology and biochemistry

  • An all-weather lunge arena to assess ridden and lunged horses


Arena at Endell Equine Theatre at Endell Equine New Barn at Endell Equine Aneasthesia Preparation at Endell Equine